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Job Coaching

Tip& Steps for Job Coaching

Information to get from the employer:

  •   Written job description and work schedule

  •   New employee handbook/policies and procedures

  •   Training protocol description

  •   Decision about job coach attendance at training (is it

    ok with the employer?)

  •   Date(s) and times to report for training and who to

    see upon arrival

  •   Name(s) and contact information for supervisor

  •   A list of items the student/employee should bring on

    the first day (documentation, identification, name tag, uniform)

    *Once obtained from the employer, this set of information should be provided to the student, her/his family, and those who will be involved in job coaching.

Job coaching is often needed when  a new job. The degree and amount depends on the individual student and the job. There are several steps that can be taken to optimize the effectiveness of job coaching and foster increased independence. Successful job coaching actually begins before a student’s first day on the job.

Remember, the ultimate goal of job coaching is independence. A new job situation should be set up for success. Job coaches should not be promised on a full-time or permanent basis to employers. Think of job coaches as

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